Daily Archives: September 2, 2007

Another Freebie from me!

What another freebie? Yeppers! Time to clear my attic of all those cool gooofy gadgets I have lying around, in September I’ll be randomly giving away all sorts of stuff so you’d better pay attention…

But first a Reminder about the R2-D2 Mimobot Contest, it runs till the 6th of September so get your entry in to win!

Ok now that I reminded you about that who wants a goofy little gadget for their desk or cube that’s a bit retro or psycho-delic?

This one is courtesy of our friends at USBGeek, if you haven’t figured it out yet it’s a USB powered Mini Lava Lamp and it’s something that I’m sure someone wouldn’t mind having on their desk to amuse them or maybe even annoy their co-workers! So if you want to check it out in-depth click the picture, or the link to be taken to the full review over at DSM where you’ll even find a couple movies showing the pretty colors of this little gadget!

So if you want it, a little link love would be nice, or just leave a comment, of course you’ll need to leave an email address so I can contact the winner. This little contest will run until Friday September 7th, and sorry but it’s US peoples only!