Monthly Archives: August 2007


Hey check it out, TechBurgh has a little write up about DragonSteelMods

TechBurgh is a Pittsburgh based blog tech news blog, and if you didn’t know already that’s where I’m from..

but stop by and check them out!

Andy the owner seem really cool as well, we’ve chatted a few times in email… he’s just starting out with it so he could use a little support and link love from anyone willing to give it out! hint-hint

Gadget Review: USB Fragrance Oil Drive from USBGeek

Gadget Review: USB Fragrance Oil Drive from USBGeek

I love gadgets of all shapes and sizes, but there are some out there that I just have to ask why? The gadget I have for review today is one of those types where I just wonder who thought of this really?! The product looks like a USB thumbdrive but it’s actually a USB powered oil burner. It’s got a small ‘X’ shaped cloth pad on it to place a couple drops of fragrance oil, then you just plug it in and it heats up to diffuse the scent into the air around your workspace. Does it work? Sort of..

You can click the picture to be taken to the review to read it all or click the link above the picture as well…

And if anyone wants this goofy thing, throw your name in the hat by commenting on it…. and you can have one of the most useless USB gadgets out there today for free!

Finally Done

Well I’ve been hiding out for the last few days and re-designing DragonSteelMods website.

The original layout was just something I did to get it up and running basically and just never really had the time to mess with it and also I did try and try and try but I could never get it to work out correctly, there was also something goofy wrong with it, be it on the front end or the back end of the site. For example I had one template done and it looked awesome on the front end but when I got to the back end of the site, everything that was white turned black, and well black text on black background just doesn’t work very well does it?

Anyway, stop on over and check it out, I’m going to be upgrading the comments and adding them back in as well, so this should work out well!!

Infinuvo QQ-2 Cleanmate Robot Vacuum

Pretty much everyone has heard of a Roomba, the little Robot Vacuum that became so popular all over the place. Well I’ve had a Cleanmate QQ-1 Robot Vacuum for about two years now and I love it… What? You’ve never heard of a Cleanmate? Well then you’ll like this review, it’s of the newest Cleanmate Robot Vacuum, the QQ-2 model. It’s essentially an upgrade to the QQ-1 model, with a home charging base that the QQ-2 goes back to and charges by itself, then it goes on cleaning your house till you tell it to stop. I’ve got three kids and two cats, so I’ve put the Cleanmate QQ-2 through quite a bit of work cleaning and I have to say that it actually performs better than the QQ-1 version, I love this little robot just as much as the first model… Yes I love a robot, it’s just so cute..

Stop drop on by over at DSM and check out this great little Robot that gives the Roomba a run for it’s money…

VB M14 Spring Gun Sniper Airsoft Rifle Reviewed

Well I finally got my review of the Airsoft M14 Sniper Rifle up at DSM…

It’s from our friends at HobbyTron, you can look to the right over there to check out their RC and Airsoft blogs to see all the newest products they have coming out if you wish…

Anyway, for the low price of $36.95, I found the Sniper Rifle to be lots of fun, but of course it did have a few drawbacks, which is to be expected for something priced so low.. so read the review to find out what my thought were…

Free: Star Wars R2-D2 1gig Mimobot

Yeah I’m a bit behind in my work obviously, that’s what happens when you have a family and other commitments…

Anyway time for the giveaway:

I’ve got a limited edition Star Wars R2-D2 Mimobot 1Gig USB Flash Drive from mimoco for you.

This is a limited edition of 3,500 pieces and I have number 667 of 3,500 to give to some lucky person.

You can click on any of the pictures and a new window will open with my full review of the R2-D2 Mimobot on DragonSteelMods so you can check out all the other pictures and the tests etc.

He also includes the Protohoodie protective carrying case/keychain.

Also included on the USB drive itself is all sorts of Star Wars and Mimobot pictures, along with special features like all of the movie trailers and other fun and cool stuff.

It was never used, except to be reviewed… I’ve got lots more stuff to come as well, I need to get rid of all these gadgets I have floating around. I’m going to be giving away 1-2 things every week in September.

What do you have to do to win?

Well you have to be a US resident…

If you have a blog please link to this post to let other people know about it, and post a comment/trackback here about it.

You can also enter by emailing me about your posting at dsmcontest [@] with subject MIMOBOT

-obviously that’s an email address and it will need to be formatted correctly

Contest will run till the 6th of September or 14 days from today.. if my math is correct there…

Names will go in a hat, box whatever and I’ll let one of my kids draw someones name.

R2 will be packed carefully and shipped USPS Priority Mail to the winner the next day after the announcement.

Find more Star Wars Collectibles at ShopZilla!