
Kids stuff and parents stuff can be found here

Halloween Costumes

It’s amazing how fast time goes by eh? Summer is like here and gone already, my kids start back to school on Monday already, which is rather nice really.. but that means more holidays are coming and Halloween is one of them that my kids like to celebrate, personally I don’t care for the holiday anymore as it’s just not the same as when I was a kid, the are has changed and it just doesn’t seem fun anymore…

halloween11 With Halloween coming it’s time to get Halloween costumes for the kids. Having three kids we kinds of just passed them along to the next youngest, but it’s getting the point now where they are independent thinkers and they know what they want to dress up as for Halloween and they won’t settle for the ‘hand me downs’ anymore.

So of course that means shopping for costumes, personally I hate shopping period and I try and do all of my shopping online if possible, I don’t have to deal with people and I don’t have top pay for gas either. So I was bopping around the web and found a rather cool site aptly named and they’ve got tons different Halloween costumes on their site, not just for kids either, you can find men’s and women’s costumes also.

The popular costumes for kids are of course Batman/Dark Knight, Indiana Jones and Iron Man, and they look pretty cool, for a kid anyway, and they’re really not that expensive. They’ve also got an offer of 99cent shipping on orders over $40 so that’s not too bad there at all.

You can buy full costumes or just parts of them as they have an entire accessory section as well, and they’ve also got Decoration, Props and even party supplies! Oh and they’ve even got Mascot Costumes and costumes for your pets!

So if you’re looking Halloween Costumes for your kids or even yourself stop by and check them out, they’ve got something for everyone!

Kennywood Park.. blah

So we went to Kennywood park on friday, it was blah, not really fun, I guess the main reason it wasn’t fun is because I’m broke and basically have no money to spend on things like fun, I have bills to pay and they are what’s important in life, not having fun…

but anyway, it was my 2yr olds first time there and he really had a blast, he loved it, he wanted to ride the rides and play games, it was like he’d been there before, he’s a little pro at it now it seems…IMAGE_154

but I didn’t take a digital camera with me since I have my phone, I figured that would be my camera.. so here’s a few pics:


I really didn’t take that many, it was just a bit much with the kids to keep track of everything, but the pics are pretty good for a cellphone

Edit: oh and this is my first post to this blog using Windows Live Writer, for whatever reason I see one of the thumbnails lnks to teh same picture.. oh well, it’s late.. I’m going to be

Father’s Day…. Blah

So it’s Father’s Day.. and it’s blah…

The baby (2 yr old) was up and down most of the night, when he finally woke up this morning I found him miserable and his face and neck are swollen to three times their normal size and he’s talking funny.

He says his ear hurts, so obviously it’s an ear infection and it can’t wait until tomorrow to see doctor so I had to call mom to come back home from work.

She just got to work and had to turn back around to come back home.

So she just took baby to Children’s Hospital emergency room a few minutes ago…

so much for Father’s Day… it makes me sad to see him in pain and miserable, I feel so useless that I can’t help him to make it stop hurting, but he’s on the way with mom to see doctor so he’ll get medicine to make him better and help him

My 2yr old is cool!

My 2yr old son Vincent is the coolest kid.. and actually he’s the best out of the three that I have, he listens, he’s polite (says thank you, your welcome, helps out) and he’s just all around fun to be with…

I was taking pictures last week of the Ultra M998 case I got for review and he decided he was going to help so he got out his toy camera and took some pictures as well, I thought it was cool..

He also likes those temporary tattoos that seem so popular now, OCZ sent me a big one with their Christmas  Card and I really didn’t have any use for it, so I figured I’d give it to him, he thinks it’s just so cool, he just loves it! Already a geek who knows quality stuff at 2yrs old! That’s my boy!

Xbox Handheld game from Kellogg’s

I remember when I was a kid begging my mom and grandma to get me the cereal with the toy in it, I just had to have it, now that I have kids they do the same thing of course.

Well grandma spoils my kids of course, buying them their favorite sweetened cereals and usually it comes with a toy. So yesterday she gave me a box go Kellogg’s Cocoa Krispies and it says on the box that there is an Xbox Mini Game Inside.

Naturally I’m a bit curious as to the quality of this so called game.. Looking at the back of the box there are pictures and descriptions of the many possible ‘games’ that you can get for free. In the center is a huge ‘Turn On The Fun!’ announcement surrounding a graphic of the Xbox power button. Inside the box I found the Car Racing game, the description makes it sound so cool and exciting, but in reality it’s pretty bad…

The graphic on the back of the box actually looks better than the actual thing.. now that’s bad…

Here’s some shots of it playing and a brief movie as well after them:

Check out that “Heart-Pounding Excitement” we have going on here… bah.. junk

Online shopping websites sell wedding rings jewelry ranging from imitation jewelry to diamonds. You can buy pearl earrings that might be interested for people looking for wedding rings. It’s just like buying dvd players from stores selling cheap dvds.

The Mystery Machine Case Mod -Now What?!

Well about two years ago now I created a case mod for my kids, I made The Mystery machine from Scooby Doo for them out of a computer case… As they’ve gotten older I’ve found that the computer inside was just a bit lacking and Windows 98 wasn’t what they were using in school and such and what they sort of know how to use, or at least is familiar to them. They’re 5 and 6 so they don’t know that much but they do know it’s different than what they have in school and they know about the internet and sites like Nickeldeon and others like it, and of course they want to get on there and play those games… The system that is in there doesn’t have ethernet and it’s not really capable of running Windows XP, so I had to upgrade, which meant everything got upgraded, CPU, mobo etc.

So now I’m wondering what am I supposed to do with their old computer/case mod … I was thinking to donate it to my youngest sons daycare for them to let the smaller children use, or I could possibly sell it (but is it even worth anything? other than maybe a pop art type collectible?!?!) or maybe just give it away to someone who might need it for their children…

Dunno… any advice for me?!

Click HERE to read the full worklog and details of the mod, and here’s a few pictures as well:

(Thumbs open in new window to 1024×786 size approximately)







Yeah.. I bet you’re wondering what the hell a ‘pligit’ is right?

Well it’s like stuck in my head now…. and it won’t go away, so I figured I blog about it and maybe it would go away if I did..

I’m sure you know who Winnie the Pooh is right? Well Piglet is his little buddy the pig, and well my two year old can’t say Piglet and he says ‘Pligit’ instead…  He pronounces it ‘plig-it’ if you’re wondering how it’s pronounced…

It’s really cute actually, but for whatever reason it’s like stuck in my head now….

Dunno, just threw that out there for whatever reason…