
Kids stuff and parents stuff can be found here

Review of Zen Factory Deluxe Zen Garden Kit


If anybody needs to relax it’s me, I don’t sleep much at all, I go to bed at about 12 midnight and my alarm goes off at 4:30am, so yeah that’s not much sleep at all. It seems I’m always stressed out about something anymore, bills, health and life in general really and I need a way to relax. Today for review I got something that might be able to help me with that, a Zen garden from a company called Zen factory and I like it a lot as it’s got everything you need to get started being a little more Zen with your life…

Review of Nutrabear Omega 3 Gummies

I’ve got a quick review today for Nutrabear Omega 3 Gummie vitamins. These are vegan and they’re orange flavored gummies. Honestly they’re not bad, they do have a chemical smell to them, but once you get pas the smell they don’t taste too bad.I let my wife and kids try them as well to get their opinion and it’s mixed. Read on to learn more…

If You Believe it Then It Is Not A Lie


Huh, What? WTF?

So my kid says that if you believe something to be true then it’s not a lie. I say WTF kind of reasoning is that?

I don’t know where he comes up with this stuff. He says he’s read papers and research and talked to all kinds of people about it and it’s true they all say that if you believe something to be true then it’s not a lie.

I don’t understand the reasoning or logic behind that at all.

For example: According to him if you go around accusing or calling someone a murderer that as long as you believe it then it’s not lying about them. It doesn’t matter that the person is innocent, as long as you believe it, then you’re not lying about them.

He says it should be that way, and he says it is that way according to his friends and the research he’s done, that’s the way it really is and I’m wrong. He says it doesn’t matter about the facts, just as long as you believe it.

He just can’t grasp the concept of opinions and facts apparently.

I don’t know what world he lives in, but I don’t think I want to live in it… if this is the way kids are being brought up today, then something is wrong.

I’ve tried to raise my children with values, no lying, have the facts before you make a judgment etc but it doesn’t seem that it worked very well sadly.