Daily Archives: August 7, 2012

Synology DS212 NAS Review


Link: http://blog.testfreaks.com/review/review-of-synology-ds212-nas/

"Today I’ve got a rather large review for you of a type of product that I find extremely useful and valuable, something I think everyone should have really. The product is the Synology DS212 NAS box or Network Attached Storage device. The DS212 is much more than just a storage box though, it can allow you to do much more than store and share files on your network. You can access it from other products on your network like your Xbox 360 or PS3 to play audio and videos or you can even access it while you’re away right on your phone. The DS212 can be a server all in itself to let you run a website or attach some network cameras and you’ve got a fully featured security system to monitor your home or business. So read on to learn more…  "

Intel Core i5-760 Processor Review


Link: http://www.dragonsteelmods.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=17480&Itemid=1

Quote: "So I was running a Core i5-750 for quite a while, since it came out and I upgraded to a Core i7 2600K for my main system. I still have the Core i5 system as a secondary one but a friend of mine was looking to upgrade his single core AMD system to something a bit more modern and beefier so he called me for help and advice.  He wasn’t looking to spend a lot of money but wanted a quad core setup, since I was happy with my Core i5 I went looking for something similar and ended up with a Core i5-760 for his system. Since I was running that 750 in mine I took the chance to see how much or if any difference there was between the 750 and 760. I ran several basic tests and I figured why let them go to waste so I turned it into a quick review. So read on…"