Tag Archive for Horrible

Long Time No Write…


It’s been a really long time since I’ve wrote anything here, wow… I haven’t been doing much, sleeping, or actually trying to sleep because I really don’t sleep anymore. A  couple or maybe a few hours each night, usually 2-3 hours if that, but it’s broken sleep and no straight through.

I Hate People


Some say that ‘hate’ is a strong word, but that’s how I feel really. I was told by someone I know that I’m a misanthrope and the dictionary says that is: “a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society” and yeah that’s me for sure. I wasn’t always like that but I’ve been fucked over so many times by people I trusted and thought were friends that I’m just done.

Netflix New Interface Redesign is Horribly Not User Friendly


I love my Netflix. I have cable, Verizon FIOS, but I can’t remember the last time I turned on the box to actually watch something. There’s never anything on and the commercials are ridiculous so most everything I watch is through Netflix. I have Amazon Prime too and I watch a few things on there that I can’t get on Netflix but I’ve got a feeling I’ll be watching it more.

I’ve been a Netflix subscriber for many years and I’ve dealt with the price increases, it’s worth it to me as I more than get my money’s worth from it.

I also dealt with the last interface update and didn’t like that one either but I got accustomed to it as they did revert my list back to the way it was originally and I could go to a page and there was everything. The last interface wasn’t that bad, at least you could go to a page for the movie or show, but now you can’t do that it seems.

This new interface is horrible, it’s dark and you can’t go to a shows page anymore.

I’ve been catching up on SHIELD and there is no page for it anymore with the episode listings. You have to actually click on it, it starts playing, you have to hit the X button up in the corner and then you’ll see sort of a list of episodes which you have to scroll through. What the hell was wrong with the old way as just having the list of episodes there for you? (oh wait I just noticed an arrow there at the bottom when you hover that opens the overview and episode listings, not exactly intuitive is it?)

What’s with all the clicking I have to do now? Before I could go to a page and there it was. Just hover over and click ‘more info’ and I was taken to the shows page with everything right there for you. Now I have to hover, click the arrow, click the episodes, click the ‘more like this’, click the details, and of course I have to click the arrows to scroll through the episodes. Who thought it was a good idea with all the clicking now? What was wrong with having everything on the same page for you to EASILY read with basically one click?! Reviews are now overlaid on the screen so more clicking there yet again. Going through it, it’s hover, click (to open/expand), click (episodes), click,click (to scroll through episodes, with more clicks for more episodes as it only shows 5 at a time ), click (to start episode), click (more like this), click (details), click (reviews), click (to close reviews), click (to close expanded view). It’s basically 10 clicks to watch a show?! Even more clicks if you want to find a certain episode to watch as the screen only shows 5 eps at a time. Who though that was good idea?

And what happened to clicking the section title on the homepage? I used to be able to click something like ‘New Releases’ or ‘Watch it Again’ and it would take me to that page so I can see them and sort them as well. Now I can only scroll through them left or right on the main page. Some of them you can click, but the ones I want to be able to click I can’t.

Who thought this new interface was a good idea?

Also the interface is broken:


Where’s the rest of the screen? And no I can’t scroll anymore. That’s the sci-fi section that I sorted A-Z, so where’ the rest? It’s just cut-off, I thought there was supposed to more?!

I refreshed the page and got this:


A little more but that’s it?! It just stops at ‘Big Fish’!  Where’s the rest of the movies? Where are my movies?

I do most of my watching on my PC and it’s not exactly a mouse friendly site. It might be easier to use on a tablet, but on desktop, no it isn’t.

Also, why is it so dark? Nighttime mode I guess right?

As I said I’ve been a Netflix customer for many years and through everything I’ve dealt with it, never really thought about seriously cancelling my membership until now. This new design is just horrible and it makes the user do more work than they should have to.

MyLife.com Sucks!

No, I don’t mean my actual life I mean the website MyLife.com

I’ve never joined them, never knew about them until I found myself listed on their site four times.

Since 2009 I’ve been asking them to remove me from their website and they refuse to. I never joined the site. They added me without asking and emailed me about confirming my membership. I never confirmed it, I ignored it. Forgot about it actually. I’ve emailed them four times now since September of last year asking to be removed and they won’t respond.


In their TOS it says, and I quote:

To request that a Member Profile or Public Profile be deleted, please contact Customer Care at 1-888-704-1900 or contact us by email at privacy@mylife.com. Upon receipt of these requests, and confirmation that you are requesting that your own profile be removed, please allow MyLife 10 business days to complete this removal. It may be necessary to contact you to validate that you are the profile owner requesting the removal. This is to ensure the correct identity and profile ownership before completing these requests, and is for the protection of our users and their privacy.

But apparently they don’t care to abide by their own terms or service.

I want removed from their site and I also want my deceased mother removed as well but they refuse to respond to my emails at all.

Stay away from MyLife.com as all they care about is collecting data on people and using it for whatever purposes they deem fit.

They don’t respond to emails even though it says right there to email them about being removed. it says it takes 10 days, but I’m at 8 months now since the first email with no response. So they’re liars in my book, and I hate liars.

Chase Customer Support is Useless and Incompetent

So I just want to pay on my car.

I’m on hold yet again as I type this actually, I’m at 2 1/2 hours on the phone with these people. At this point in time I’ve spoke to 17 different people.

I’ve heard numerous excuses as to why I can’t make my payment.

It’s due the 21st of this month.

I almost always pay it early via their online banking system, but now for some unknown reason I cannot do it.

It says I owe $0.00 but it’s due on the 21st of March. Now I have a paper bill here that says my payment amount and due date of course.

Yes I’ve asked to speak to supervisors about this but suspiciously three times when I asked I was hung up on.

They told me that I wasn’t actually hung up on, it’s because I was using a cell phone and it was my phone that cut me off. I told them i don’t think so because I was bounced back to the main menu when I asked to speak to a supervisor, so to me that is the same as being hung up on. They of course didn’t know what to say at that point since I proved them wrong.

I was then told that the reason I couldn’t make my payment was because I was using FireFox and I was told to use Internet Explorer… SURPRISE the same thing happens with IE… ( I thought that was rather funny they would even suggest that, it’s 2010 and I think we should be able to use our browser of choice and not be told to use IE)

I was then told that I couldn’t make my payment because it’s too early?!?!?  What the frak does that mean? I’m not allowed to pay early now?!!? Is this a ploy to make sure they get their late fees from me? Do they need that $$ that bad that they won’t let me pay early just so they get the fee?

Again, I’m on the phone with them right now… they told me to log out and they’ll trouble shoot my account, I log back in and my account is gone, log back out, log back in and my account is there again but I still cannot pay my bill.

I even emailed the account executive for Chase but never hard back of course…

I emailed them as well through the online banking system and they told me to call the same number that I’ve been calling.

Apparently no one writes notes on the accounts as to any problems either, I’ve had to explain my problem 17 times now to 17 different people.

So I was told now that someone should be calling me back soon, what are the chances of that actually happening?!