Daily Archives: December 16, 2007

Tragedy Strikes Again! Another HDD bites the dust

I swear if it wasn’t for bad luck I wouldn’t have any luck at all… last month I had two hard drives up and die on me.. not a big deal they weren’t important but still inconvenient as hell though….

So normally I do my backups every Sunday evening when I get some alone time, today I went to access my videos and pictures from the Cyberconxion last night and my HDD is acting all goofy, so I restarted the computer and I get a nice Corrupt Master File Table error.. this means I’m pretty much screwed… on my laptop now while I’m trying to rebuild the MFT, it’s 200gigs so it takes a LONG time to scan the drive to find the mirror MFT to rebuild from… it really pisses me off that this drive is only a couple months old, I think it’s still in warranty, it was a refurb segate, but I don’t care too much about the actual drive I just want the data, it’s all my work from all week, things I cannot get back, including pictures from my sons Christmas party he had at school on Friday…

…so of course this HDD had to crash on the day do my backups didn’t it? I do manual backups, but I do believe now I will be doing daily backups to TWO separate HDDs only updating the changes, it might be a waste of space but in the end it will have to be worth it right?

I’ve got to be cursed… this stuff only happens to me I swear, and I just don’t understand… I must have been one mean evil MOFO in my last life, because only that can explain the nasty shit I’ve had happen to me in my 35 years on this earth…..

PGH Cyberconxion and the 3rd Space Vest

So.. as my luck would have it my plans for last night were a bit altered by the wonderful weather we have in Pittsburgh, of course we got all kinds of snow, freezing rain and ice everywhere… at one point it looked like a blizzard last night.

I still went to Cyberconxion to test the vest out and still got quite a few people to try it out and we had fun actually…I was expecting more people as they did have a party scheduled for 16 people but they never showed because of the weather.. we’ll see what happens now… I’ve got to edit videos and get them uploaded to YouTube