Tag Archive for Game

3 Reasons Most Players Cheat When Playing World at War


Cheats in video games have been around since video games were developed. Most hardcore and casual gamers are even familiar with traditional cheat codes like “Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start” or also known as the Konami Code. Whether it’s Sony PlayStation, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo consoles, or even PC, cheat codes are not at all uncommon for video games. These cheats usually provide players invulnerability, unlimited supplies, complete weapons, and even unlock most stages and characters available in the game. Players in offline games have different reasons to use cheat codes, such as to explore the different features of the game, to get past a difficult level, or even just to have fun. But these cheats are sometimes considered to be unethical in massively multiplayer online (MMO) games such as World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Dota 2, Counter-Strike Global Offensive, and Call of Duty: World at War.

The Top 4 Tips to Playing Star Wars Battlefront


Star Wars Battlefront, initially released by Pandemic Studios in 2004, is a thrilling shooting video game which is based on the original Star Wars film. The game offers the players to experience both first and third-person perspectives and to play the role of a soldier in either of the two opposing armies. Star Wars Battlefront is set in different maps and periods in the Star Wars Universe. As of this year, the game series has already launched three mobile and three computer versions; with the fourth installment set to be released in November 2017. Be it on Windows, PlayStation, or Xbox platforms, Star Wars Battlefront has consistently received positive reviews for its outstanding graphics and gameplay.

Review of Ohuhu 12 Hole Alto C Mediant Tone Ocarina


An ocarina is an old type of woodwind instrument that I’m sure you didn’t know about until The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time way back in 1998, I know I didn’t know what one was, never heard of one until I played the game. Since then they’ve become sort of popular, a resurgence as it were, and it seems you can buy them all over the place including Amazon. Ohuhu sent over their version of the Ocarina for my review and it even includes the Triforce symbol on it. I tried to play it and failed badly, but my son who has been playing instruments for years in school picked it up and could play it easily. Read on to learn more…

Weekly Steam Game Giveaway Skyward Collapse @ TestFreaks


Another week, another Steam game to giveaway…

Link: http://blog.testfreaks.com/contest/weekly-steam-game-giveaway-skyward-collapse/

"Ok, we’re back with another Steam game key giveaway for you and this week it’s Skyward Collapse where you get to be a god. The game is a strategy turn based type game where you create or build and populate a continent with creatures and other things from Greek and Norse mythology.  The idea is to survive and maintain a balance of power between everything going on and the game even features multiplayer with up to eight people. "