So nice of my neighbor and his friend to wake me up early, I have a lot to do so getting up early is nice… (yeah that’s sarcasm…)
Yeah I haven’t posted in a while, a long while actually but I will now, for a reason or two which eventually will be revealed I guess…
It’s been a really long time since I’ve wrote anything here, wow… I haven’t been doing much, sleeping, or actually trying to sleep because I really don’t sleep anymore. A couple or maybe a few hours each night, usually 2-3 hours if that, but it’s broken sleep and no straight through.
I’ve been reviewing products since 2004, maybe even 2003 and I’ve done thousands of them and every once in a while you run across bad companies. I get emails all the time asking me to review products and the majority of them I ignore or tell them I’m just not interested as I only review things I have a need for or things that I would actually buy, or consider buying.