Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

The new Logitech G5 Sneek Peek!

4-4-07 UPDATE! Full review is now live on DSM Click HERE to check it out!

Just got this today for review, I guess you could call it Version 2 of the Logitech G5, the main difference is the color and pattern obviously, but if you look close you’ll see there is now two side buttons (YAY!). The pattern on top is actually textured for a better grip on the mouse, also the weights are a bit different as well, the rubber gasket is inside of the weight holder now instead of being on the weights themselves…


Here’s a few pics to hold you over till I get the review posted on DragonSteelMods… I’ll get it up next week for you…

The process of website development actually starts when you go for buying domain names. The next step is to buy dedicated hosting plan that best suits the nature of business you are doing. Also keep this in mind while creating the website design. It’s good if you spend a little bit on buying fast broadband connection.

My birthday sucks…

Well I guess this could be part two of the previous post…

My birthday sucked, mainly because I hurt my back… I’ve always had back problems most of my life, but as I get older I’ve found that it takes much longer to heal…

My wifes’ friend is moving and decided to give her her exercise bike that she never uses, so today of course my wife decided that we had to go and get it… It’s a nice bike, on the expensive side actually, but heavy, it’s the type that the handle bars move back and forth as well, but anyway, we went and got the bike no problems, but when we got home is where I ran into a problem. I got the bike out of my suv and went to pick it up, I felt a very sharp pain in my lower back, it actually felt like someone had taken my spine and pulled it apart, I actually heard it, like a tearing sound… not fun at all, so I fell to the ground in pain, but of course I had no help so I still had to get the bike into my house and up to the second floor. Where I live, my house is on a hill, there are 13 steps to get to the first landing then three more to get to the porch, then after that I have to go up to steps, turn left up quite a few steps then turn left again and up 4 more steps to get to the second floor, this was not fun at all, I was sweating the whole time as I was in so much pain… So, now seven hours later I can barely move, I have to walk hunched over, and I’m sure tomorrow morning I will have a lot of trouble getting out of bed…

great birthday for me……… oh well, live and learn

For those of you who are beginners and just started their home business; it’s best to buy cheap web hosting instead of dedicated hosting server. No one can deny the value of website design with regard to search engine rankings. So one must focus on this aspect.

It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to…

The title of this post just sounded very appropriate I guess… Today is my birthday, woopee, I hit 35 today… Oh well, just another day for me, don’t really care actually that it’s my birthday, but I wanted to post something here today so I figured that would work….

For kids I guess birthdays are special you get gifts and have a party etc, but I’ve never actually gotten what I wanted for my birthday… I get coffee mugs, anyone need any? I throw them away I have so many of them… when I get clothes it’s always what I don’t like and usually the wrong size as well. I think gift certificates and cash are the best gifts that anyone can ever give or receive that way I can get what I really want or need… Oh well another day goes by

JetArt Nano Diamond Thermal Compound Review Posted at DSM

Yep, my review of the Diamond Based thermal compound from JetArt is now live.. hop on over and check it out… HERE

Here’s a snip from the review:
They say Diamonds are a girls best friend, well that might be true but I think they may be a geeks or enthusiasts best friend as well… I’m talking of course of the thermal properties of diamonds, diamonds are the best thermally conductive substance out there, so of course having a diamond based thermal compound would be probably the best choice for a thermal compound. There has been talk of diamond based thermal compound, but most people have thought it is not cost-effective and that it would be very expensive, not quite true really, you are not using huge amount of diamonds for the compound, just mere nano dust really. Today for review I have a diamond based thermal compound, it is called Nano Diamond, and it is from our friends at JetArt. One thing very special about this compound is that it is 100% thermally conductive from day one so you don’t have to wait through cycles for it to reach its optimum thermal performance… So read on to learn more about this diamond stuff…

What you’ll find here on my blog….

On my blog I’m going to write about me and my life obviously, but I’m also going to give you a sneak peak at the new products we got for review on DSM as well…

We just got some Diamond Thermal Compound for review, it’s 10% diamond, if you know about diamonds they are more thermally conductive than most any other substance out there.. It’s called Nano Diamond Thermal Compound and it’s from our friends at JetArt , all of their products I have reviewed have been very good. The special thing about this compound compared to all others out there is it is instantly 100% thermally conductive, no waiting for days and cycles for the compound to reach its maximum thermal efficiency, form the minute you apply it is it ready to go… and from what I have seen the temps have not changed since day one, I have had it on my Intel 955EE CPU for a week now running tests etc..

They also sent me a new active HDD cooler for review as well, look for the Nano Diamond review very soon, getting it finished up today..