Daily Archives: December 15, 2015

Review of Angel Direct Frosty Pillow Gel Mat

I’ve got a quick review for you today of something that I actually got for my 10 year old son for me to review. He loves the Chillow for whatever reason, the Chillow is this water filled mat that is supposed to keep you cool at night, you put it under your pillow and it pulls the heat from your head essentially. We’ve gone through several of these as they kept getting holes in them and leaking water everywhere, I felt bad as he liked it a lot so we kept buying them for him and I kept repairing them but something needed to be done. Today for review I’ve got something similar to the Chillow but there’s no water, it’s a gel inside of it and it’s a cloth covered mat instead of the vinyl that the Chillow is. He’s been using this mat and he loves it, more than the Chillow.  Read on to learn more..

Tech News for Tuesday December 15th 2015


10 days until Christmas and bah humbug, I hate this time of the year as it makes me miss my Mom more than ever, and everyone who’s died really. I just don’t like it anymore and I can’t wait until it’s over. Christmas isn’t what it used to be, it’s now about who can buy the most stuff, and that’s not Christmas, or at least the Christmas I remember it to be… Whatever, enough form me, how about the tech news…