This site may harm your computer.

So, this site, MY site, is listing as possibly harming your computer.. Thanks Google!

The great thing is that they don’t give you any information about why or what caused it?All my info in on file with them, I’m registered with Google for many things.. they couldn’t say that there’s a problem with my site!?!?!?

So I just finished going through EVERY blog post since February 2007 and I didn’t find anything wrong at all…

I did find a funky directory in my FTP account that had gambling stuff in it.. not mine, so apparently it was hacked by someone.. that’s so nice of them to do that isn’t it?

I’m guessing that’s what the problem was or is still.. who knows how long it’s going to take Google to fix it now.

I went though and filled out the form to ‘request reconsideration’, but still it would have been nice had I been informed of them doing this…
