Daily Archives: February 16, 2008

AT&T Continued…

Does anyone know about AT&Ts retention program at all?

I’ve tried to find others out there with experiences with leaving AT&T and what they did to keep them but it’s few and far between, there’s quite a few for Cingular out there, which I guess is the same now…

any, so after I emailed them again with a few more questions they decided NOT to email me back and actually call me about this so I can’t copy and paste their responses..

but they told me that NO they do not normally tell people their contract is expired, they mentioned that users can easily find their contract information on the website where their account info is… I still think that’s wrong not to tell people about it, kind of cheating people that might want to leave…

and as for my upgrading the phone even though I never got one from them, they said oh well, if I want a new phone I have to pay the online prices with no special discounts… even though as I said I never got a phone from them in the first place, obviously they don’t care about keeping customers too much eh…

and they still couldn’t find my information and insist that I’ve only been a customer for the last 2 years since I became a Cingular customer, my time with AT&T before Cingular apparently doesn’t exist anymore..

hrmmm.. oh well, guess I’ll be checking out T-Mobile or Verizon now, wonder what specials they have over there?! Most of the people I deal with have Verizon so that’s sort of a good reason to switch to them, mobile-to-mobile would be free..