Tag Archive for Useful

3D Printed Knob for Monoprice MP Select Mini–Something Useful

The 3D printed something useful for today is a new knob for the Monoprice MP Select Mini 3d printer. I love the fact that I can print parts for the printer on the printer. Anyway, the control knob on the printer really is hard to use so people have come up with new ones and I like this one the best as it uses the original knob as well in its design.

knob1 knob2

3D Printed X-Acto Knife Cover

I’ve got an X-Acto knife handle that was my Moms, it has to be at least 40 years old, and I lost the cover long ago but I still use the knife all the time. I needed a cover for it and came across one on Thingverse so I printed it out and it works great!
