Tag Archive for ICS

Idolian TouchTab 10 Gets Android 4.0 Upgrade -ICS is Here!


Yep, ICS is here for a great little tablet!! I love my TouchTab 10, it truly is a great tablet from a company that has some excellent product support!


Idolian.com is pleased to announce TouchTab 10 upgrades to Android 4.0. Idolian is a tablet PC manufacturer and distributor with its offices in Newport Beach, CA, Arkansas and South Korea. Idolian’s vision is to produce reliable Tablet PC, priced between $100-$299 that any individual or small business can afford.

TouchTab 10 is one of the best selling 10" Capacitive Touch Screen Tablet PCs in the market. With the price tag of less than $250, TouchTab 10 comes with 10" Capacitive Multi-Touch Screen, Fast 1Ghz Cortex 9, 512 MB and 8GB Flash Drive. TouchTab 10 is the best tablet PC that customers can buy to get true Tablet PC experiences at less than half of the price of the Apple IPad. Many consumers are impressed with its superior quality and its low price.

TouchTab 10 Android 4.0 firmware is now available on idolian.com download page for all customers to register and download. http://www.idolian.com/downloads.aspx

"We are very satisfied with our Android 4.0 upgrade for TouchTab 10. It took a little longer than expected to get the upgrades done but we wanted to double confirm everything before we can release to our customers. Customers love the new Android 4.0. We have many more models with Android 4.0 release very soon.," says, the President, Debbie Kim.

Idolian TouchTab 10 is currently available to purchase from idolian.com and all the major online retailers such as Amazon and Sears.com. Thanks to its established retail distributions, Idolian tablet PCs will be widely available at cellular locations throughout the USA and South Korea in the near future.

All of Idolian’s Tablet PCs comes with a 1 year limited warranty that is serviced in the USA and offers extended warranties and protection plans for sale only on idolian.com.

Side note: Amazon has these in nice bundles with 16gb microSD  card and case for $299.

Idolian Confirms $99 IdolPad Upgrades to Android 4.0

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I find it amazing that a company like Idolian can get ICS on their tablets but big companies like Samsung and Motorola and others can’t…  wow…I mean I don’t get it how can a little company like them have ICS on their tablets and these huge corporations can’t do it? The bad thing here is that people won’t buy the Idolian tablets, sure some will, but most will but tablets with big names on them like Motorola, Samsung and Toshiba but yet these one from Idolian are just as good if not better than those tablets are. The best part of course is that they’re cheaper!!!

This isn’t some advertisement for them, it’s the PR below sure but I own and Idolian tablet, the TouchTab 10 and I love it.


Idolian.com is pleased to announce IdolPad upgrades to Android 4.0. Idolian is a tablet PC manufacturer and distributor with its offices in Newport Beach, CA, Arkansas and South Korea. Idolian’s vision is to produce reliableTablet PC, priced between $100-$299 that any individual or small business can afford.

IdolPad is one of the best selling 7" Touch Screen Tablet PCs in the market. With the price tag of less than $100,IdolPad comes with 7" Multi-Touch Resistive Screen, Fast 1Ghz Cortex 9, 512 MB and 4GB Flash Drive. IdolPad is the best tablet PC that customers can buy to get true Tablet PC experiences at less than quarter of the price of the Apple IPad. Many consumers are impressed with its superior quality and its low price. IdolPad is best selling Tablet PC for Idoilan.com.

IdolPad will be available to upgrade to newest Android 4.0 version by the end of May 2012 using the Firmware updates that will be provided on idolian.com. This upgrade can be performed on all IdolPad that was purchased.

"We are in a process of perfecting the Android 4.0 upgrades and we are very pleased with the fact that IdolPad will be one of the few tablets that runs on Android 4.0 for less than $100. IdolPad is the lowest priced Android Tablet PC that actually works like tablets. With the Android 4.0 update, IdolPad performance will be even better than now," says, the VP of Sales, Jay Kim.

Customers can download firmware updates from idolian.com to update their IdolPad when the Android 4.0 upgrade is available at end of May. Idolian is currently working on all other models upgrade to Android 4.0.

IdolPad is currently available to purchase from idolian.com and all the major online retailers such as Amazon and Sears.com. Thanks to its established retail distributions, Idolian tablet PCs will be widely available at cellular locations throughout the USA and South Korea in the near future.

All of Idolian’s Tablet PCs comes with a 1 year limited warranty that is serviced in the USA and offers extended warranties and protection plans for sale only on idolian.com.

About Idolian.com: Idolian.com is division of Idolian Mobile, Inc, Tablet PC manufacturer and FCC 214 licensed international telecommunication company that terminates calls throughout the world. Idolian Mobile Inc. is headquartered in Newport Beach, California and has two branch offices in Arkansas and Seoul Korea.

Like its slogan “Tablets for Everyone,” Idolian.com’s mission is to become a major brand for Android Tablet market that everyone can afford.