Tag Archive for Groceries

I’m a Good Daddy!

Yeah, my 4 yr old son just told me that I’m a good Daddy.. made me feel good..

every night at bed time I go into his room and rub his back for a few minutes and we usually talk about his day, or sometimes we also do rhyming words or maybe opposites. Tonight though we were taking about his day, and me and him went to the grocery store and bought some food. One of the things I bought for myself was Hummus and Pita Bread, well he remembered and said he’d like some of my pita bread, and I said sure he could have a piece tomorrow. I then told him to remind me and  I’ll put it on the grocery list for next time so he can have his very own bag of pita bread for himself. He said “I know you will daddy because you’re a good daddy”, that would have been cool there, but he went on actually about it. He told me it’s because I buy him good things to eat, and other things he wants, but he said it’s also because I pay the bills and take care of him..


I don’t know.. just felt like sharing that..