Tag Archive for firefox

Firefox WTF?!?!

Oh Firefox I used to love thee.

At one point I recommended you to all of my friends and installed you on all of my computers.

What has happened to you?

You now crash at least four times per day, usually more than that, and usually at the most inopportune times.

Why have you forsaken me Firefox? Why are you treating me this way, why are you doing this to me? What have I done to deserve this scorn from you?

With all of your updates I thought you were getting better, but it seems you’re just getting worse.

I’ve taken to using IE more now, but it feels like cheating, but when you’re not there for me I’ve got to turn my attention elsewhere. I don’t want to cheat on you but you give me no choice.

Is our relationship coming to an end? Is it really over?

It was nice while it lasted but it seems your desire to become popular has overshadowed your actual usefulness.

You were my rock, I could depend on your like no other, but now you fail me, you’ve let me down.

I think it might be time to part ways my dear Firefox, parting is just such sweet sorrow.

It might be time to move on to another that will not let me down as you have.

You used to bring me happiness but now you just bring me frustration and even anger, and that I cannot live with anymore.

Why have you done this to me?

I will miss you.

Maybe, when you get your act together, we can start anew, but until then I just cannot bear to see you anymore.